Author, Public Speaker
NGH Certified Hypnosis Instructor
Certified Healing Arts Instructor

At the Canadian Hypnosis Conference, Pierre Benoit booked a channeling session with Elizabeth Rose, Deep Trance Channel. In the video, Pierre describes how he could feel the energy move through his chest as Elizabeth channeled healing, clearing and messages from divinity.
"On this ongoing journey I realized that there is a lot of trauma, disadvantageous patterns, false beliefs, stuck emotions, and blocked energies stored in my system. My awareness grew as layer after layer was revealed to me. I sought to find healing and clearing out of these low vibrational energies. So in addition to meditation, I started working with Elizabeth Rose from "The Rose Cottage," a spiritual healer and channeler. After working with her for almost two years, the ability to be a channel and healer opened for me as well. I discovered that I can channel high vibrational Divine energies, which can help heal and clear people's energy fields and raise their vibration. I can see and feel peoples’ energy bodies and know what needs to be worked on. In addition to reading energies, I work with them and receive messages.
Now I am helping people on their own exciting journey of spiritual growth and transformation."

David Starr Master Consciousness Channeller
"People may wonder why do I promote other healers often? My answer is how could I not? Elizabeth is a paramount healer. She's actually the one I used the most in the beginning of my fast -tracking light expansions. She is a pure angelic channel, just a beautiful angelic frequency. She channels much above most people I’ve met. Her connection is very genuine."

Gareth Duignam
"I have to say, from my perspective, that was amazing! Just to hear that coming through. Yeah, really amazing. Better than I had expected. I actually came in with a whole load of questions and I don't need any of them answered now. Throughout the session, I was just agreeing, 'Okay. Okay. Yeah…' Really beautiful. I’m so at home with this Elizabeth. Everything that was said just resonated.”

Michael Sheridan of
Aisling School
"Liz is a good friend who I trust 100% when it comes to all things channeling. She's who I use for clearing possession (which is not at all common). She's also an excellent channel, so there's that! "
“Excellent to see you doing this Elizabeth! I’ve had your instruction on this and can testify that EVERYONE in your workshop experienced this healing power in a very tangible way. There was no, “I think I feel it” going on. It was in the room and everyone felt it in the receiving and channelled it in the giving."
"I wish you the very best with this and would love to see you run something further south (and west) again.
Michael Sheridan
Author and Dream Interpreter
Aisling Dream Interpretation, Seattle, USA

Anne Tucker International Speaker & Author
International Speaker on decision making, leadership, personal transformation, & self-doubt. Author of Undoubtedly Awesome
"Elizabeth, you are the Ice Capades of Channeling and a Spa of Healing!"
"Just yesterday something happened. I remember during our sessions the guides talked about being a transmitter, and just yesterday, it became more of what it is, and now I understand more of what I am. I wouldn’t have understood before, I don’t think. So cool. Thanks so much for the amazing work you do!"
Founder of Wisdom Soup, a closely curated learning community designed to help its members achieve breakthrough spiritual growth and insight in order to achieve practical real-life goals.

Testimonials of Courses, Spiritual Healing and Guidance
Hypnosis Certification Course, National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc., (NGH)
“Elizabeth, it wasn’t just a course, it was a healing experience and a fountain of knowledge.”
Preeti Agnani, NB, Canada
Hypnosis Certification Course, National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc., (NGH)
“Elizabeth, the Hypnosis Certification Course was a valuable tool to incorporate in my current practice.”
Barbara Hughes, NB, Canada
Deep Trance Channeling
Perhaps the most insightful hour of my life! It is not under-appreciated all that you do to remain of the high energy. Thank you for your time, effort, gift, and angels!
Nicola Forsdyke, UK
It was the best ever. It was the best ever, in my life! Thank you very much.
Christina Engborg Persson, Sweden
That was really interesting. Wow, you're amazing! What a gift you have. Thank you so much for sharing it.
Kate Rosevelt, Lawyer, Lake Tahoe
Elizabeth is the channel of channels! I heard about Elizabeth through an individual who had major breakthroughs with their gifts coming through after working with Elizabeth. After witnessing this, I knew I needed to work with Elizabeth. Elizabeth has helped bring out the gifts of some of the biggest and brightest light workers and way showers. I have had a number of sessions of the gentle transformative clearing that Elizabeth facilitates as she trance channels the angels. The guidance that comes through during these sessions helps direct the way forward. I was told early in an initial session that I would write. My first question was, how? What do I know about writing? I am now able to trance channel myself, and am hoping to bring out a book which I will channel soon. My own transformation in the time I have worked with Elizabeth has been immense. I would not hesitate to recommend working with Elizabeth. Her trance channeling and clearing transforms lives and accelerates you quickly. She is extremely gifted, kind hearted and a huge, huge light. Alice Prince, Lawyer, UK
My sermon these days is to cultivate a relationship with pure divine spirit. When I see friends going through an awakening process, it’s a lot easier to connect them with you because you’re doing the work and you’re amazing at it. You’re more than just good, you’re the best resource in the world.
Christian Zuck, Superyacht Captain
Just done watching the channeling you sent me. Speechless. It was spot on. I'm still processing what I just saw but everything that came through made 100% sense to me. Got me pretty emotional at times. I definitely felt an energy in my body watching it. Olli P.
Just wanted to thank you once again for doing the channeling and healing. I felt this one pretty physically at times, the energy coming down through the upper chakras into the throat and heart. Really good stuff. I appreciate the explanations I got for those mystery neon symbols I saw. I’m just glad I get to see some of that stuff too, hah. So thanks for the sessions you’ve done. I think they’re helping me very much. Olli P.
The last two sessions were really amazing and I am really grateful for the work you are doing.
Kind regards,
Hello Elizabeth Rose, How can I thank you enough for the work you have done for me over these past number of weeks. I can’t really fathom the amount of emotional effort that this takes, but, I am immensely humbled and grateful for it. Thank you for your kindness, God Bless and have a lovely Christmas. Pat
Hello Elizabeth, how are you? I've done 11 sessions with you so far over the past 1.5 years. The angels mentioned a few times, I am a healer and a channel as well. You mentioned that a lot of your clients start to be able to do the same as you. So, I think this has opened up for me now as well. It's really exciting.💚 So I can channel divine/angelic healing energies and clear peoples energy fields and help them, so that their life energy can flow better and they can receive more healing energy (well that’s how I would describe it). I also feel their ‘stuff’ in my body...its like I vibrate to their ‘stuff’ for the session, so that I can see it and work with it. I intuitively know what to kind of just happens. It is sooo cool and I love to be able to help ppl now as well☺️. I just wanted to share that with you and say THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping me and for helping to make this healing ability visible!!!!
🥰 😍 Lots of Love, Eva from Austria
It’s the purest thing, your connection to Christ, to God. I don’t know where else I’d get it. I’ve not found it. You’re just the purest channel. I’ve tried other things but always come back because it’s the most consistent. Also, what people don’t realize is that, working with you, and you don’t promote this, but you’re a healer of the healers. What happens on these calls, when the Angels are repeating the same thing, again, again and again, they’re instilling that into our being, and they’re healing us at that time. That’s why I call you, to get that release. No matter what is said or done on this call, when it’s done, I will have healed of another past lifetime, of some current event, and I’ll be more healed. There’s a peacefulness I get in connecting to the other side. That gives me hope.
Melissa Attanassio, Santa Barbara, USA
Elizabeth, I brought a list of questions to ask you but by the end of the session, they'd already been answered.
Randy Jones, Seattle, USA
I can't tell you enough how much the kids changed, how much I've changed by working with you and the angels. I mean it. I feel like I'm a totally different person than I was two years ago. Totally! My daughter’s heart has changed completely. She ’s so filled with love. Oh, my goodness, I feel like you should be on Oprah because this is life changing. People need this. Maggie Bruszcza, Portland, OR, USA
Thank you so much for another wonderful session with you. I really appreciate what you are and do :-)
Thank you for your help and guidance. Dr. Charlotte Søeberg, Denmark
Thank you so much for the lovely session this morning! I have such a happy feeling in my heart, and I honestly can say that my feelings of fear and inadequacy have been changed to feeling empowered to step fully into my life purpose, without feeling like I have to have everything figured out ahead of where I'm going! Feeling divinely inspired! You are such a blessing! Michele Ojalehto, USA
Wow. You channel pretty much everything. You got it right, right down to the words that I've had in dreams. You hit everything right on the head and it really had quite an effect on me. From my perspective, it's radically different than my first session with you.
Randy Edmonson, USA
Can I just say, I was at Sam and Trevor Hamlett’s retreat the week when you channeled. Wow Elizabeth! Unbelievable. I felt like I was bent back in the chair and I could just feel the energy pulling-out through my solar plexus. Since I’ve had the healing with you, wow! I feel like I’m connecting more to my guides and I can see the energy and intuitively feel the energy. It’s just mind-blowing. Kate Daley, Liverpool, UK
That was very interesting. I experienced tears when you were saying certain words. I was vibrating at that same vibration and could release the emotion at the same time. It was beautiful. Very interesting. I’ve never seen anything like it! It was so very different. What you channeled of my past lives has repeated in this life. It was like the Angels were working in stages. They’d release a bunch and then we’d be ready to release more, each stage was like going up another rung of a ladder. Annabelle, Mexico
Hello Elizabeth, I just want to say thank you. You are such a humble and down to earth person being at such a high level of spirituality
God bless you so that you can heal more people like me. Merry Christmas to you too.
Kanwal, Toronto
Wow! That was so beautiful. I wrote 8 questions in advance and by the end of the reading, literally every question was answered, and more. That was just so beautiful. I’ve never experienced anything like that.
Tiffany Cook, USA
Someone in my family recommended you. I feel lighter. I feel a shifting. That was absolutely spot-on!
Kim Hughes, UK
WOW!!! Today's session was AWESOME... YOU nailed it! I am just amazed by the gift/talent you have, to be able to channel and I wasn't there! Your channeled messages were so pertinent and they all made sense. I just can't get over how much today's session REALLY resonated with me.
I feel so blessed and lucky to have you in my life as a resource for my journey to healing. Lacy Patton
The healer who I’ve booked the most sessions with me ever is Elizabeth Rose. She assisted me greatly in 2020 to expand and really helped with my fast track walking and expanding into my light. Beyond grateful for all her help and assistance. Thank you Elizabeth. David Starr
Thank you to my amazing teachers for the education I received this year - Opheana & Sikaal, Michael Sheridan, Svetlin Todd, Sofia Sundari and Heidi Brooke. Thank you Elizabeth Rose for all the powerful sessions. It has been a blessing to learn from all of you !
Mia Åström, Grow by Mia
Thank you for your help!! Happy New Year!
Bill Mysliwiec, NY
Happy New Year Elizabeth. So happy to have had your help in 2020. So grateful . Wishing and seeing you receiving all the abundance in 2021 and beyond in these expansionary times. Lots of love.
David Starr, Divine Ray
"I downloaded and listened to the channeling session last night, and WOW is an understatement of the experience! Never have I had such an
experience, and so much information and healing happen in such a short period of time. There is so much to assimilate, and so much to think
"There was a comment that I didn't like water, and yes that is very correct. I hate water, very afraid of it if it's more than a few inches deep. Cannot swim, even though I tried to learn. I sink like a rock! I love to look at water, but only standing a long ways away from falling in..."
"Thank you again for such an outstanding channeling session! Many blessings, and with full gratitude."
Randel Edmonson, WA, USA
Thanks Elizabeth. Excellent session, so very very grateful. In a process of integrating all I received. Incredibly grateful for all you do and be.
Blessings to you dear soul.
Elizabeth Rose is an excellent healer! She cleared away my depression, connected me with my angels, raised my vibration, opened up my ability to look at past lives......I can replay the recording whenever I want for further healings. She taught Ross Shugar. Well worth the money! I'm eternally grateful! Katia Pace
Today is such a wonderful day of healing with Elizabeth Rose. Sometimes a catalyst shall be placed on our path so that we can tap into the answers within ourselves. That's what my intuition told me before our session ("Seek help!") and Elizabeth Rose is the name I've been receiving this time. During the session Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel showed up and guided me through releasing of all that does not serve me. Yeshua supported me in the process and I can just feel the love of God. As much as I want to detail the feeling I have felt, the beauty of this healing process is BEYOND WORDS. I just would like to thank you and greet you a Belated Happy Birthday. Thank you for blessing my morning with a healing process I have gratefully received. And to all the healers I have met who are reading this, thank you for being on my path.
Leonard Bisquera, Philippines
I want to thank Elizabeth Rose for the amazing sessions for me and my dear Angel friend today. Such love and light and clearings
Thank you for you gift .
Denise Wood, Madison, Wisconsin 💗🥰🥰
I wanted to share with everyone today to thank the beautiful Elizabeth Rose for her assistance on clearing so much energy from many lifetimes, and shedding a great amount of light on my path in this amazing lifetime during our session, my dear friend and Sister of the heart. Since then, Jesus came to me on my birthday, and I have reached a whole new amazing world of my awakening. I had been sitting, processing/absorbing all that had been revealed to me through you for the past week. Truly feeling like a little girl trying on her mommy's high heels. Since my alignment, I feel as though I have grown 3x my size. NOW I feel like I am able to coherently put together a posting about our time together. Joyous blessings of love and light to you dear Elizabeth. Kimberly Granberg, Wisconsin
Just had an amazing session with Elizabeth Rose, the healer for healers hands down. Such a pure channel. Thank you! 💙💙💙
Alexander Jackson (Sirian Blueray), Healer, Gatekeeper,
Ascension Coach, Light Language,
Lightcode Scribe, Sacred Geometry Calgary, Alberta
HUGE thank you Elizabeth Rose for all the channeling and teaching you do for us! I am very grateful to know you and to be able to participate. Can't wait to see you again next time. I always appreciate the love you spread and the time you give to us so we can grow, evolve, ascend...and more!!! 🙏❤️
Lisa Brideau, Moncton, NB
Thank you Elizabeth. I loved it. You're amazing!
Louis R., UK
I had a session today with Elizabeth and she really helped me to tune-in at the highest level while healing one of my biggest residual emotions that I'd lugged around for lifetimes. Thank you so much Elizabeth can’t wait to work with you again.
🙏 🌈❤️
David Starr, Manitoba Canada
"Elizabeth, you’re always bang-on. I have a thought or feeling and right away you speak it. I have emotions and you put words to them better than I can myself. Through you, the Angels went straight to the crux of the matter. An instant before you said the Angels are downloading energies to your throat and heart chakra, it was like my throat and heart chakra were opening. I felt so much pulling and opening of my crown chakra. All my thoughts and emotions surfaced and a nano-second later you were coming up with the words, sometimes word for word. You hit the bull’s eye every time. To me you’re one of the most powerful aids in all the tool kits that I have in terms of spiritual evolution. I don’t know anyone else who does precisely what you do. I’m so grateful! " Terry Kirouac, Ottawa, Canada
"Thank you Elizabeth for today's channeling. You delivered very accurately what I "ordered" from the guides, and what I needed. Both the confirming/assuring in words, and the assistance with my energy . I know this clearing, and this life, is one of the bigger challenges (and blessings). Thank you so much for assisting! so that I now can move forward again! All is well :-) " Love Sofia, EU
"You and Heidi are a killer team for the channeling work you are doing with us. I am so happy and content, and very appreciative to be a part of this energy healing."
Randy Jones, Seattle, USA
“Wow! I am seriously blown-away. I’m so glad you didn’t go back into finance. Thank you so much. This is what I specifically asked for - how to get from point A to point B. You’re a God-send.”
Anna Sczaniecka, Seattle, USA
Our session today was life changing, no exaggeration. The missing puzzle pieces that have completely stumped me, no matter how much recovery or healing work I've done on myself, have finally been put in place. There is a level of clarity and compassion I have for myself and my daughter and the world that I never thought possible. My heart is healing, my life is healing. Thank you for you work, it is so needed and so appreciated. A true gift from Above. I am Awakening to who I truly am. 🙏 Much love and gratitude. You are such a gift and have truly given me such a gift.
❤️ Rose S, New York, NY
"I had a deep trance channeled reading. Elizabeth was incredibly accurate and opened my eyes to what was holding me back. She hit the nail on the head with absolutely no direction from me. My sister also had a reading after my recommendation and it was life changing. Highly recommend. Elizabeth is lovely and approachable. She is truly gifted."
Bethany Faulkner
I wanted to share with everyone today to thank the beautiful Elizabeth Rose for her assistance on clearing so much energy from many lifetimes, and shedding a great amount of light on my path in this amazing lifetime during our session, my dear friend and Sister of the heart. Since then, Jesus came to me on my birthday, and I have reached a whole new amazing world of my awakening. I had been sitting, processing/absorbing all that had been revealed to me through you for the past week. Truly feeling like a little girl trying on her mommy's high heels. Since my alignment, I feel as though I have grown 3x my size. NOW I feel like I am able to coherently put together a posting about our time together. Joyous blessings of love and light to you dear Elizabeth. Kimberly Kismet, Wisconsin, USA
I wanted to share with everyone today to thank the beautiful Elizabeth Rose for her assistance on clearing so much energy from many lifetimes, and shedding a great amount of light on my path in this amazing lifetime during our session, my dear friend and Sister of the heart. Since then, Jesus came to me on my birthday, and I have reached a whole new amazing world of my awakening. I had been sitting, processing/absorbing all that had been revealed to me through you for the past week. Truly feeling like a little girl trying on her mommy's high heels. Since my alignment, I feel as though I have grown 3x my size. NOW I feel like I am able to coherently put together a posting about our time together. Joyous blessings of love and light to you dear Elizabeth.
Kimberly Kismet
Thank you so much, Heidi, Elizabeth, all guides, spirit, angels; deep gratitude to all. This session was beautifully co-hosted. It filled my heart. Is it odd I've not felt fear during these times? Your events have raised my vibration and strengthened my sense of calm and connection. I have so much appreciation for your work. So much transformation happening. Thank you again. Jennifer Lane
Feeling blessed and in gratitude🙏🏽Completely echoing Jennifer’s message. It was a beautiful session and what a deep connection I felt. I also do not feel fear, a very likely reason being the energy felt in this community here and experiencing this period through the spiritual lens💜 instead of the media. Thank you everyone🙏🏼 thank you to all the angels, guides and celestial beings for raising our vibration🧚🏼♀️🧚🏼♀️ Thank you Heidi, thank you Elizabeth Rose.🙏🏽 Amina Afif
Heidi Brooke and Elizabeth Rose, thank you both for facilitating such a powerful healing session again tonight. So much 'knowing' and releasing has been coming up, and it is such a blessing to be a part of this. Sherry Tholenaer
"Elizabeth, after just one hypnosis session with you, to improve my golf swing, I drove the ball better than I did all year. My long putts went in, or they were tap-ins, and I won two seniors tournaments! In the winter, I used hypnosis to score 73 goals in seniors hockey." Rick Gerrior, Saint John, NB
"You just repeated all my ruminations of yesterday - verbatim - and I hadn't told a soul. Amazing!"
Joe Carrol Hefley, PhD, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
"Your sessions with me have been life changing honestly... priceless, and so enlightening."
Kate Emberton, Calgary, AB
"Good Morning! I wanted to tell you how much I loved seeing you and getting the seminar group experience at the Canadian HypnoBiz Conference. It was incredible!
Nancy Warren, Toronto, ON Canada
"Hi Elizabeth....I am speechless after today’s session with you. It was so amazing.... so profound. You are truly gifted. I already payed for another session, for 1 ½ hrs. Let me know your first available. Thanks for all your help. Blessings!" Julie K., Tucson,AZ, USA
"You are a wonderful trance channel. You are everything one could look for. I will always be grateful to you for your support and kindness. Thank you so much Elizabeth 🧚♂️ for everything you do - a supporter, an angel, a mentor, a trance channel. Thank you beautiful soul of the planet. Wish you all the best in 2019."
Dany Couture, Osteopath, BC, Canada
“Elizabeth, I am writing to thank you infinitely for the tremendous healing you channelled for me today. I particularly appreciated your smile, your warmth and your loving approach, how at the end you kindly put across to me words that I needed to hear, but in a non-judgemental way. A great many things make sense to me now. Thank you for all the healing. Thank you once again, Elizabeth. Words cannot explain how much healing and clarity the session brought me. I realize that I am blessed that you crossed my path and I was able to benefit from this great gift you have.”
Amina, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
"Your book is so engaging, I couldn't put it down... Each chapter I related too in a different way and from a different time in my life - your writing is wonderful too and the more I read the better I felt... I feel so grateful!"
K. Casey, Toronto
"Many thanks Elizabeth. You are truly a gift and for the first time this week I am going to bed feeling lighter. I am looking forward to connecting with you again."
Dr. K.S. Daniel, Toronto, ON
"I've only met what I consider to be 2 to 3 legitimate healers over the past 5 years ... and I sensed you and your gifts as soon as you started to work. So that's why I wanted to make contact with you again. Being still left brain somewhat (have to fight it) your credibility yesterday rests on the fact that there's NO WAY on God’s green earth you could know my father’s name."
Rev. Timothy Jones, Toronto, ON, Canada
"I’ve taught dream analysis for 25 years with a very strong spiritual direction. After 3 days of Full Immersion into Spirit, I’ve come away completely opened up. It was so fast, right to the nub of issues. Elizabeth regressed me to former lives, to future lives, to preparation for this life and places I’d known about but never seen. It was just absolutely amazing! I was hoping she’d look beyond the veil and have a strong connection with the spirit world but she just took the veil completely away! All the issues I had were worked at from a spiritual perspective. I’d never had things move so quickly for me before. For instance, I trance channeled which is something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. If my experience before and my knowledge before were from reading The Hobbit, now I’ve been put in touch with Lord of the Rings. I realized that what I knew before was just a piece of the knowledge that was important for me to move forward in my life. I’m given all that knowledge now! I’ve been given energies. I’ve been given the full explanation. I got comprehensive answers, nothing fluffy. It just was stunning! If you’re thinking about doing Full Immersion into Spirit, you will absolutely not regret doing it. This is beyond anything you’ve ever done before." Michael Sheridan, Ireland, UK
"Thank you so much for the reading! It's really helpful and interesting!"
Jane Huang, Toronto, ON, Canada
"That was the most interesting Skype conversation I’ve ever had. Thank you! I’ll book another!"
Luke McAllister, Perth, Australia
"Elizabeth, I just wanted to send you my sincerest gratitude for all the hours of work you did with me on Skype. The sessions were all profound, to say the least. My time with you has opened me up, healed me, and allowed me to trust my heart and intuition. The growth that has occurred, and the experiences I have had, have changed me. It's still hard to believe that in 5 months I've made such large gains in developing my skills and abilities through this process. Without your divine connection to divine intervention, the channeling, the gifts of energy, the protection layers, my own channeling experiences, and the teachings of process and protection... The list goes on...this wouldn't have been possible. I can't thank you enough for sharing all that you have learned, and having your gifts to share and heal me. You really are one of a kind! It truly is a gift. I realize now that choosing to go to the OHC was part of my path to meet you. Big hugs and love and light to you. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to raise my vibration, my consciousness. I send you so much gratitude and love and light. With kindness and smiles."
C. Hein, Toronto, Canada
Just attended the 7 Day Full Immersion Into Spirit Intensive with Elizabeth Rose at The Rose Cottage NB. I have done work with hypnosis for the past 3 years and this was beyond amazing! After 6 days I had experienced over 20 past life regressions and 1 future life progression, not to mention hours and hours of 1 on 1 healing with Elizabeth, including directly channelled personalized advice and guidance, intensive "healing and feeling" deeper than I had ever experienced before, and truly inspiring, mind-blowing, worldview-changing visions and clarity of life mission. Who knows what is beneath the tip of the iceberg? Elizabeth Rose and her amazing guides do, and they wouldn't let up until I had done my healing work and emerged fully ready, alive and lighter than ever! Thank you Elizabeth, and Thank you Spirit for an amazing journey. I strongly recommend you to take advantage of this incredible gift that Elizabeth has while you can, as she is going to be in strong demand soon!
Krista Moore, Toronto, ON, Canada
I am so grateful for the healing I received on August 19th. Thank you Elizabeth Rose for facilitating healing of arthritis. Many witnessed my wrist suddenly swelling then going back to normal. I claim this healing. I'll spread the word to all I know about the power of CCMBA. I just finished writing two pages on notes in my journal and no pain. I haven't been able to write for quite some time. Years actually. Thank you to your heavenly counterparts, the Angels, & Elizabeth Rose.
Carol Vautour, Saint John, NB, Canada
Hi again. I just wanted to say thank you and to tell you how much gratitude I have for you and your offering intensive healing for me. Had I not made the trip to see you, I wouldn't be in the place that I am today and I wouldn't be on my path. Thanks for all that you did and continue to do!
H. McLarty, Sault. Ste Marie